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P. BOCKERMAN ; M. HAAPANEN ; E. JOHANSSON ; Institute of Labor Economics. (I.Z.A.). Bonn. DEU | Bonn : I.Z.A. | 2022We analyze whether employees with diagnosed mental health disorders have a higher probability of being laid off during corporate downsizing. Our analysis is based on nationwide administrative data on all private sector firms and their employees [...]Ouvrage
E. LEGRAND ; E. DARBUS ; Ministère chargé du Travail. Direction de l'Animation de la Recherche des Etudes et des Statistiques. (D.A.R.E.S.). Paris. FRA | Paris : D.A.R.E.S. | Rapport d'études | 2022L'objectif de l'enquête SANTPE est de comprendre comment les dirigeants et salariés de TPE (de la coiffure, de la restauration et du bâtiment) articulent les enjeux de santé et de travail, pour les concilier au mieux et simultanément et le cas é[...]Document de travail
N. GURTZGEN ; Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. (I.A.B.). Nüremberg. DEU | Nüremberg : Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung | 2020This paper analyses the causal effects of weaker dismissal protection on the incidence of long-term sickness (> six weeks). We exploit a German policy change, which shifted the threshold exempting small establishments from dismissal protection [...]Document de travail
R. BOHEIM ; T. LEONI ; National Bureau of Economic Research. (N.B.E.R.). Cambridge CA. USA | Cambridge : N.B.E.R. | 2016Sick workers in many countries receive sick pay during their illness-related absences from the workplace. In several countries, the social security system insures firms against their workers’ sickness absences. However, this insurance may create[...]Document de travail
By 2010, the average US state had passed 37 health insurance benefit mandates (laws requiring health insurance plans to cover certain additional services). Previous work has shown that these mandates likely increase health insurance premiums, wh[...]Ouvrage
D.C. STAPLETON ; D.R. MANN ; J. SONG ; Mathematica Policy Research. (M.R.P.). Center for Studying Disability Policy. Washington DC. USA | Chicago : Mathematica Policy Research | 2015We used linked Social Security (SS) administrative data to analyze SS Disability Insurance (DI) program reform proposals that would hold firms partially responsible for a portion of the DI benefits paid to their recent employees. One proposal wo[...]Document de travail
J.M. ABRAHAM ; R. FELDMAN ; P. GRAVEN ; U.S. Department of Commerce. United States Census Bureau. Center for Economic Studies. (C.E.S.). Washington DC. USA | Washington : U.S. Census Bureau | 2014This study investigates how changes in the economic incentives created by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will affect the probability that private-sector U.S. employers will offer health insurance. Using the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Insura[...]Document de travail
R. BOHEIM ; T. LEONI ; National Bureau of Economic Research. (N.B.E.R.). Cambridge CA. USA | Cambridge : N.B.E.R. | 2014In many countries, social security insures firms against their workers' sickness absences. The insurance may create a moral hazard for firms, leading to inefficient monitoring of absences or to an underinvestment in the prevention of absences. W[...]Ouvrage
Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament et des Produits de Santé. (A.N.S.M.). Saint-Denis. FRA | Saint-Denis : A.N.S.M. | 2014Les données présentées dans ce rapport proviennent exclusivement de l’exploitation des déclarations de ventes effectuées auprès de l’ANSM et du Comité Economique des Produits de Santé (CEPS) par les entreprises ayant réalisé en 2012 des ventes d[...]Ouvrage
Ce rapport est consacré au Comité d'hygiène, de sécurité et des conditions de travail. Il y dresse un état des lieux des forces et faiblesses de cette instance représentative du personnel qui existe depuis plus de trente ans et présente trente-t[...]Document de travail
T. AMOSSE ; S. CELERIER ; Centre d'Etudes de l'Emploi et du Travail. (C.E.E.T.). Noisy-le-Grand. FRA | Noisy-Le-Grand : C.E.E. | 2014Ce document propose un premier tableau statistique représentatif des dispositifs de prévention des risques professionnels mis en oeuvre dans les entreprises en France au milieu des années 2000, tableau qui faisait jusqu’alors défaut. L’exploitat[...]Ouvrage
F. BLAVIN ; B. GARRETT ; L. BLUMBERG ; Urban Institute. Washington DC. USA | Washington : Urban Institute | 2014In this report, we analyze recent trends in the employer health insurance market and the anticipated effects of the Affordable Care Act on employers, with a particular focus on small firms with fewer than 50 workers. We first present a detailed [...]Document de travail
This paper examines the impact of worker’s age on the consequences of occupational injuries. Using data from the Spanish Statistics on Accidents at Work for 2004-2010, a multinomial model is estimated in order to analyse the impact of the age on[...]Document de travail
N. AIZAWA ; H. FANG ; National Bureau of Economic Research. (N.B.E.R.). Cambridge CA. USA | Cambridge : N.B.E.R. | 2013This paper presents and empirically implements an equilibrium labor market search model where risk averse workers facing medical expenditure shocks are matched with firms making health insurance coverage decisions. The model delivers a rich set [...]Document de travail
N. SOOD ; Y. WU ; National Bureau of Economic Research. (N.B.E.R.). Cambridge CA. USA | Cambridge : N.B.E.R. | 2013This paper investigates the effects of health insurance and new antiviral treatments on HIV testing rates among the U.S. general population using nationally representative data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) for the [...]