BDSP5 > Indice poids taille > Poids corporel > Poids naissance
Poids naissanceSynonyme(s)Faible poids de naissance ;Poids de naissance Très faible poids de naissanceVoir aussi |
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C. COSTI ; G. MIGALI ; E. ZUCCHELLI ; Institute of Labor Economics. (I.Z.A.). Bonn. DEU | Bonn : I.Z.A. | 2024/01The identification of factors affecting birth weight is a key issue in human development due to its established associations with long-term health, educational and labour-market outcomes. This paper exploits intergenerational information on thre[...]Document de travail
We study the effects of school starting age on siblings’ infant health. In Spain, children born in December start school a year earlier than those born the following January, despite being essentially the same age. We follow a regression discont[...]Document de travail
S. ESHAGHNIA ; J.J. HECKMAN ; National Bureau of Economic Research. (N.B.E.R.). Cambridge CA. USA | Cambridge : N.B.E.R. | 2023Newborn health is an important component in the chain of intergenerational transmission of disadvantage. This paper contributes to the literature on the determinants of health at birth in two ways. First, we analyze the role of maternal endowmen[...]Document de travail
S. MILLER ; L. WHERRY ; National Bureau of Economic Research. (N.B.E.R.). Cambridge CA. USA | Cambridge : N.B.E.R. | 2022Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for public insurance coverage for prenatal care in most states, despite their children representing a large fraction of births and having U.S. citizenship. In this paper, we examine a policy that expanded M[...]Document de travail
A. KOSE ; S.M. O'KEEFE ; M. ROSALES-RUEDA ; National Bureau of Economic Research. (N.B.E.R.). Cambridge CA. USA | Cambridge : N.B.E.R. | 2022Introduced as part of the War on Poverty, Community Health Centers (CHCs) deliver primary care to underserved populations by locating sliding-scale clinics in economically disadvantaged areas. We investigate how this policy affected infant healt[...]Document de travail
O. GIUNTELLA ; G. LA MATTINA ; C. QUINTANA DOMEQUE ; National Bureau of Economic Research. (N.B.E.R.). Cambridge CA. USA | Cambridge : N.B.E.R. | 2022We use a unique data set of linked birth records from Florida to analyze the intergenerational transmission of health at birth by parental gender. We show that both paternal and maternal birth weights significantly predict the child’s birth weig[...]Document de travail
K. KENNEDY-MOULTON ; S. MILLER ; P. PERSSON ; et al. ; National Bureau of Economic Research. (N.B.E.R.). Cambridge CA. USA | Cambridge : N.B.E.R. | 2022We use linked administrative data that combines the universe of California birth records, hospitalizations, and death records with parental income from Internal Revenue Service tax records and the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics file to[...]Document de travail
N. SHENHAV ; E. CHYN ; National Bureau of Economic Research. (N.B.E.R.). Cambridge CA. USA | Cambridge : N.B.E.R. | 2022This paper uses birth records from California and mothers who move to quantify the absolute and relative importance of birth location in early-life health. Using a model that includes mother and location fixed effects, we find that moving from a[...]Ouvrage
H. CINELLI ; N. LELONG ; C. LE RAY ; Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale. (I.N.S.E.R.M.). Paris. FRA | Paris : Editions I.N.S.E.R.M. | 2022Ce rapport décrit l’état de santé des mères et des nouveau-nés, leurs caractéristiques, les pratiques médicales durant la grossesse et au moment de l’accouchement, et les caractéristiques des lieux d’accouchements en France. Comme pour les enquê[...]Ouvrage
E. GOMES ; L. CAHOUR ; C. MENGUY ; et al. ; Santé Publique France. (S.P.F.). Saint-Maurice. FRA | Saint-Maurice : Santé publique France | 2022Ce rapport rassemble des indicateurs clés de l'épidémiologie périnatale en France et décrit de manière inédite, dans une analyse multisources, l'évolution de la santé périnatale pour la période 2010-2019 (2014-2019 pour Mayotte) dans une perspec[...]Ouvrage
Ce rapport présente les dernières données sur plus de 50 objectifs de développement durable liés à la santé et « indicateurs cibles du triple milliard ». L’édition 2021 comprend des estimations préliminaires de la surmortalité mondiale attribuab[...]Document de travail
E. DE CAO ; B. MCCORMICK ; C. NICODEMO ; Institute of Labor Economics. (I.Z.A.). Bonn. DEU | Bonn : I.Z.A. | 2019We study the effect of unemployment on birth outcomes by exploiting geographical variation in the unemployment rate across local areas in England, and comparing siblings born to the same mother via family fixed effects. Using rich individual dat[...]Document de travail
T. ELDER ; D.N. FIGLIO ; S.A. IMBERMAN ; et al. ; National Bureau of Economic Research. (N.B.E.R.). Cambridge CA. USA | Cambridge : N.B.E.R. | 2019We use linked birth and education records for all children born in Florida between 1992 and 2002 to assess the effects of neonatal health on the identification of childhood disabilities. We find that several measures of neonatal health are assoc[...]Ouvrage
The World Health Statistics series is WHO’s annual snapshot of the state of the world’s health. This 2019 edition contains the latest available data for 36 health-related Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators. It also links to the three [...]Document de travail
H. CORMAN ; D.M. DAVE ; N. REICHMAN ; National Bureau of Economic Research. (N.B.E.R.). Cambridge CA. USA | Cambridge : N.B.E.R. | 2018Research on the effects of prenatal care on birth outcomes has produced a patchwork of findings that are not easily summarized. Studies have used varying definitions of prenatal care, leading to estimates that are difficult to compare. The ident[...]