BDSP5 > Prestation nature > Prise charge > Franchise médicale
Franchise médicale
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Ministère chargé de la Santé. Commission des Comptes de la Sécurité Sociale. (C.C.S.S.). Paris. FRA | Paris : Commission des comptes de la Sécurité sociale | 2024Le principal financeur de la santé en France est l’Assurance maladie. Avec près de 80% de la consommation de soins et de biens médicaux (CSBM) en 2022, elle finance les risques les plus coûteux tels que les hospitalisations, les affections de lo[...]Ouvrage
Les dépenses d’assurance maladie relatives aux dispositifs médicaux s’élèvent à 14 milliards d’euros (Md€) en 2022. Ces dépenses sont en hausse de 2,4 Md€ depuis 2017, soit + 3,7 % par an. Trois leviers d’économies ont été identifiés dans le ch[...]Document de travail
V. ZABRODINA ; University of York. Health - Econometrics and Data Group. (H.E.D.G.). York. GBR | York : University of York | 2022This paper develops a new approach to identifying timing moral hazard in health insurance contracts when deductible choice is endogenous. I set up a dynamic model of healthcare consumption where individuals exceed a high deductible after a large[...]Document de travail
L. HONG ; C. MOMMAERTS ; National Bureau of Economic Research. (N.B.E.R.). Cambridge CA. USA | Cambridge : N.B.E.R. | 2021Health insurance plans increasingly pay for expenses only beyond a large annual deductible. This paper explores the implications of deductibles that reset over shorter timespans. We develop a model of insurance demand between two actuarially equ[...]Chapitre
J.P. LABOUREIX ; Ministère chargé de la Santé. Commission des Comptes de la Sécurité Sociale. (C.C.S.S.). Paris. FRA | Paris : Commission des comptes de la Sécurité sociale | 2021En France, malgré les nombreux motifs d’exonération des tickets modérateurs pour les dépenses de santé, certains ménages connaissent des restes à charge substantiels avant intervention des organismes complémentaires d’assurance maladie, notammen[...]Ouvrage
M.O. SAFON ; Institut de Recherche et Documentation en Economie de la Santé. (I.R.D.E.S.). Paris. FRA | Paris : Irdes | Synthèses & Bibliographies Irdes | 2021Le système public d’assurance-maladie obligatoire français se caractérise par des restes à charge sur la plupart des soins qu’il couvre, soit près d’un quart de la consommation de soins et de biens médicaux (CSBM) en 2015 Ces restes à charge pub[...]Ouvrage
Costly new technology, while often beneficial, has been identified as the principal driver of healthcare spending growth. Recent literature has shown high deductible health plans (HDHP) can have an immediate impact on levels of healthcare spendi[...]Document de travail
H. KUNREUTHER ; M. PAULY ; National Bureau of Economic Research. (N.B.E.R.). Cambridge CA. USA | Cambridge : N.B.E.R. | 2020Do consumers show a strong bias toward low deductible insurance plans, as many field studies imply? This paper reports on a controlled experiment intended to see whether subjects have a predisposition toward such plans and whether that preferenc[...]Document de travail
C. LUCARELLI ; M. FREAN ; A.S. GORDON ; National Bureau of Economic Research. (N.B.E.R.). Cambridge CA. USA | Cambridge : N.B.E.R. | 2020The growth of health care spending has been a longstanding policy concern. Over the years, several innovations have been proposed to lower levels of health care spending; however, their impact has been limited and not sustained over time. Costly[...]Document de travail
J. BOONE ; M. REMMERSWAAL ; Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis. (C.P.B.). La Hague. NLD | La Hague : C.P.B. | 2020Demand-side cost-sharing schemes reduce moral hazard in healthcare at the expense of out-of-pocket risk and equity. With a structural microsimulation model, we show that shifting the starting point of the deductible away from zero to 400 euros f[...]Document de travail
C. LUCARELLI ; M. FREAN ; A.S. GORDON ; L.M. HUA ; M. PAULY ; National Bureau of Economic Research. (N.B.E.R.). Cambridge CA. USA | Cambridge : N.B.E.R. | 2020The growth of health care spending has been a longstanding policy concern. Over the years, several innovations have been proposed to lower levels of health care spending; however, their impact has been limited and not sustained over time. Costly[...]Document de travail
O. FOMENKO ; J. GRUBER ; National Bureau of Economic Research. (N.B.E.R.). Cambridge CA. USA | Cambridge : N.B.E.R. | 2019We examine how consumers respond to being effectively double insured under two systems: group health (GH) and workers’ compensation (WC). Many GH plans have substantial consumer cost-sharing burden, while WC coverage has no cost-sharing for medi[...]Document de travail
J. KLIMAVICIUTE ; P. PESTIEAU ; Center for Operations Research and Econometrics. (C.O.R.E.). Louvain la Neuve. BEL | Louvain-la-Neuve : C.O.R.E. | 2019Long-term care (LTC) is one of the largest uninsured risks facing the elderly. In this paper, we first survey the standard causes of what has been dubbed the LTC insurance puzzle and then suggest that a possible way out of this puzzle is to make[...]Document de travail
M. REMMERSWAAL ; J. BOONE ; R. DOUVEN ; Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis. (C.P.B.). La Hague. NLD | La Hague : C.P.B. | 2019In the Netherlands, average healthcare expenditures of persons with a voluntary deductible are twice as high as average healthcare expenditures of persons without a voluntary deductible. When assessing the effects of voluntary cost-sharing in he[...]Chapitre
C.R. CHARPY ; Ministère chargé de la Santé. Paris. FRA | Paris : Ministère chargé de la Santé | 2018La couverture maladie universelle complémentaire (CMU-C) est un dispositif de prise en charge gratuite de la part complémentaire des dépenses de santé destiné aux personnes avec de faibles ressources (moins de 734 € par mois pour une personne se[...]